I guess I should put in some sort of input since I find myself very fluent in long distant relationships.
I lived in Houston for most of my life and now I feel like I live in the smallest town in the world. When I moved here I started a lot of long distant relationships with people in the bigger cities close to me since the people who were there are more of my type and the people here are....less so. Anyways, if the girl lives in a different state, which I'm assuming she does, then let it be known that you can live two hours away from someone and it will still feel impossible to see them, or find the right means to see them no matter how much you truly want to. The point is, it takes a lot of effort from both sides, not just one side saying "I want to see you so bad, come here" and the other saying "I have to find a way". Did you ever think about maybe splitting the cost for a plane ticket, maybe saving up money that way you only pay half, and so does she. The downside is, like you mention, you two have never met and there has to be some sort of equal trust with the money. I know you pointed out that you love each other, but you also have to be realistic.
Again, I've dated several people I've met online, and even though they are just the next city over, I agree it can be "weird" to drop everything to go see them when you don't technically "know" each other. I've never traveled to go see someone, but they have drove to see me, and even being on the opposite side of just waiting to meet and not actually having input can be nerve racking. So, most likely she will feel just as nervous as you, but you kind of just have to pretend you've hung out all along.
About the "she needs to tell me her feelings" part...
Have you simply told her that you would like to hear about your problems and you think it would progress you two's relationship? You said you were afraid to start a small argument, but in my opinion, those aren't fighting words, they're actually very far from it. It's probably easier then your letting yourself believe.
On a last note; it seems like she is constantly telling you that it won't be long and both of you will be able to meet and be together but, she keeps changing her story. To me that seems like a red flag. I'm not trying to sound negative, I'm just informing you that if it was me I would feel like something wasn't right. Do you have any sort of verification that she does vacation in your town or anything that lets you know she isn't just telling a story? It's not something anyone would want to believe but you just have to be logical, that way, if something isn't right, things don't progress too far and you get hurt. Just ask her what her favorite part of your town was, and simple things like that to get answers if you haven't already talked about it. Anyways, it all comes down to, if you like the girl be patient, maybe she really is trying to make it to you. Be open and honest and have clear communication, remember that sometimes people get busy and don't realize they are ignoring people. Did you try texting her first? Maybe it's a test, we like to do that a lot...