I can't do it anymore... I thought I could make it another 5 months, but every day has been painful since she told me she's coming in July, and that was only like, 13 days ago... And she never tells me her feelings; like, she'll update her myspace status to "oh no

" but like, she never wants to tell me wtf is happening, why she's feeling bad... I thought people who were in love shared their current feelings, shared how their day was. She went like, all day without texting me today (when we text everyday at least once), yet she can spend the time to log onto myspace instead of just saying a quick "hello". And I went to the movies with my best friend who was in town today, and it really saddened me to see like, every guy had a girl with them, and I've never had that in my life.
I don't want to end it because I really love her, but she never wants to talk about things anymore... But I want to end it cause everyday hurts... I don't know what to do, or how to tell her I want her to talk to me more, like she used to. I tried talking to her about it tonight, but I don't think I got through to her... I'm just so lost on what to do...