Snow: Im with you on that first bite, churning tummy and all (Right this very minute, thinking about it!). A little minty something helps with that. Im just not interested in food in the morning, particularly after first waking. I need a little time to stretch and purr and look out the window and have a cup of tea, or I need the time to sit outside and look at the newspaper for a little while, or I need to be rushing around in a purposeful way to get the hell out of dodge.
If its a relaxed morn I tend to graze on whatever is around (leftovers) or eventually I might make an egg with toast, or even coffee. If I do cook it is usually after ive been up for a while.
On rushed days I have a routine of of my fav cold coffee with milk and an oatmeal cookie. The combo works well for me and it would be unusual for me to shake it up. I am usually finished with them by the regular lunch hour. It seems to be just enough and I can eat it discreetly (or not) at my desk in the slow manner i like. It took me years to find this rut, and I appreciate it. I use it as a treat, as incentive to go to work. I suppose if I were in a hurry and needed some quick protein I might consider kefir, but probably not.
This changes though if I have someone over and we cook together. I like that very much, but I still find that i do better to take it easy with a little grazing while cooking. Getting used to the idea, sort of like sticking your big toe in.
Maybe our breakfasts are just later or more relaxed and drawn out than others'? I know what you mean though. I almost feel jealous of those that can be hale and robust early on. Really though, who cares about your breakfast habits as long as youre a happy and spritely elf?!
PS: In PDX there are 2 perfect sized/cooked breakfasts for us easyeaters - Paradox has their #1, and Vita has their PDX breakfast, both with the OHB which seems to settle the stomach somewhat.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all cheerful; strive for happiness - Desiderata
Last edited by girldetective; 02-13-2009 at 08:09 AM..
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