I don't think there are any spoilers here for a Season 5 thread, but if there are, please someone tell me how to insert spoiler tags if needed or insert them for me (I don't know how).
I haven't posted in this or any other Lost thread until now, but I am getting so fed up with the writers that I have to vent a little. This is really just a rant about my favorite show.
Like ngdawg, I got hung up on every little detail and picked the show to death for the first half dozen episodes or so. Then I realized (after reading online supposition's galore) mystery (pfft, not details) was going to be par-for-the-course and settled in for the ride.
I've been on that ride from episode one and I want off but I can't get off!
I loved the mystery and loose-ends for the first couple of season's, expecting that MOST would be tied up in the near future and then more would take their place. Now, here we are in the 5th season and there are STILL questions not answered from the first season.
The last season, without those answer's, they decided to throw flash-back/time-forward to the current island inhabitant's into the equation. It was entertaining and a good season nontheless, but just threw MORE questions into the mix.
Then we had the writer's strike which led to a huge lapse without Lost and they come back with the new season, having jumps in time from not only the "present" for those who left (future for those on the island), but we are also subject to select people who are on the "past" island jumping through time with the "flashes".
I still am enjoying the show but I find myself getting increasingly frustrated with the (ongoing) lack of answers to the ever growing questions, especially with the finite life of the show now known. If there still aren't answer's now in season five to season one question's (although they hinted at Smokies hidey hole and purpose tonight), then how the hell are they going to handle the last two years? Not forwarding the story, just explaining the past?
Grrr. Yes this is an adult tantrum. Please don't hate me, this has been building for five seasons.