Try do to my part to keep this section alive...
This is something I wrote a while ago with the intention to be song lyrics. I dunno if it works or not.
I've fallen to the ground
And I can't pick myself up
Not this time.
Leave me to breathe in
The dust of my defeat
I don't want help.
I've lost the strength
No will to go on
Your lack of words
Have done more
Than actions could ever do.
Leave me to become dust.
I thought I was strong
I thought I could persevere
But I was so wrong.
I thought I could deal
With not knowing
But I failed myself.
I've lost the hope
That carried me for so long
Your actions
Have done more to kill hope
And they buried me
Leave me to become dust.
I've been crushed, bruised, broken
But not quite like this
My strength has been sucked out of me
And I fall
And I won't get up.
Not this time.
Leave me to become dust.
I still wave at the dots on the shore
And I still beat my head against the door
I still rage and wage my little war
I'm a shade and easy to ignore