Thank you Baraka, for all your input.
The hand weight routine is one I have been using for years,
from an old Jane Fonda workout video.
Some of them are done standing, and others from a sturdy upright chair.
I store them next to the recliner- a pair of five and eight pounders.
Keeping them visible reminds me to use them.
tai chi is an excellent idea. I will find some videos for that at the library.
I played around with bio-feed back a few years ago.
that was very interesting to see the immediate results of
breath control and getting your mind to that restful place.
I used to swim a lot. It was the best for low impact, cardio, stretching etc,
but I can no longer tolerate the chlorine and other chemicals they use in pools.
That's a bummer. When the lakes around here warm up enough to swim,I will be there!
I love swimming.
Both my mother and I started a food diary recently,
writing down everything we eat, the amounts, and the time. (no cheating.)
It helps us to quickly see
how those calories can sneak up on ya fast, especially for my mom, she really
uses food for comfort.
You are so right when it comes to eating a variety of foods.
I still make a large pot of rice and a pot of beans, and then have fun spicing them
in different ways.
Poverty does not mean I have to eat crappy food.