Gucci, thanks.
@ ring:
Quitting smoking is a tough thing to do (from what I hear), so it is commendable to make the effort. The quitting/eating connection is well known, but I know people who have overcome that.
You are right that it's important to eat in the morning rather than wait, but smoking might be throwing that off for you. Quitting would be best, but there are other things you can do.
If you can exercise first thing in the morning, this might build hunger, and rightly so. Even if it's the walking you mentioned, you should be doing something. Walking is actually very good exercise and can be done by most people rather safely, even if they have a number of conditions that might prevent them from doing other forms of exercise.
As far as diet is concerned, the conditions you mentioned are challenges for you, I'm sure. If you've had a lot of experience with them and/or have had doctor(s)' recommendations for dietary choices, review them again if you haven't lately. Bad habits creep into our daily routines rather easily, and so taking a moment to look over something you already know subconsciously can be enlightening. Be sure to eat a healthful and varied diet within what might be restricted to you. It might be difficult to avoid falling into the pattern of eating lots of one or two things you know you can eat, and having it crowd out other things that might be greatly beneficial to you.
With regard to depression, motivation, stress, etc., diet and exercise can be such huge factors, that it would be worth your while to perhaps take the time to review all your options. Go to the library and finds books that focus exclusively on diets for GERDs, celiac, and IBS (rather than books that focus on these cases comprehensively) and review them. Get ideas for food that you may not have had in the past. I reviewed my own diet recently, and it was only then had I realized how bad it had become.
Also try getting books on walking as exercise, tai chi, and other low-stress, low-impact (and, frankly, "easy" i.e. natural) forms of exercise that you can do right in your apartment. Daily exercise of 30 minutes is generally recommended. Walking seems easy, but there are many considerations people overlook when looking at it as a form of exercise.
Do you have a routine for your hand weights?
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
—Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön
Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
—From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot
Last edited by Baraka_Guru; 02-10-2009 at 11:23 AM..