a word in edgewise (or getting stomped in conversation)
have you ever been in a 3, 4, or 5 way conversation and had a really good idea or a funny related story, but when you try to tell everyone, they won't let you say it because they interrupt you with more talk as soon as you try to start? or had your friend telling you about their problems, and when you try to interject a fix to them or even just affirm that you can relate to what they're going through, they'll just steamroll you and keep talking?
I find this happening often with my friends and peers. and it's odd to me for a lot of reasons. for one thing, i'm generally a listener more than a speaker, so i would think that from surprise alone i'd get to be heard when i finally chose to pipe up and say something and my words would carry more weight. it also doesn't make sense to me that i'm on short end of that stick because i am very knowledgeable in the areas of communication and sociology and i'm not nervous or awkward in those situations at all.
i'd like to hear if you guys are ever affected by this and what you do to improve your timing and delivery in conversations so it doesn't happen so much and so you don't look like a jerk or a baby whining for people to listen to you for once...
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.