Originally Posted by dc_dux
Is it just me who thinks those opposed to this bill are playing partisan politics... [INDENT]ace suggesting that we're just in your average cyclical recession that the free market can "fix" if left alone, with which very few economists across the ideological spectrum agree.
You ignore history, I don't.
The US economy has been through 15 or 16 recessions or depressions give or take depending on a few factors. the US economy recovered from each without massive spending in each prior to 1929. The depression in 1929 was made worse by government incompetence and the New Deal by FDR (massive spending programs) did nothing to stimulate the economy. WWII was the stimulus that got the recovery going.
Also, your assumption that I am wrong about my position on government "stimulus" spending is based on a failure to look at the costs of government spending. You ignore the impact of deficit spending, inflation and taxation. In my analysis, I don't.