I am going to start this by saying I knew nothing of Ritalin outside of what I have read here. I do know something about ADD and ADHD. I am 27, and I didn't even know that they gave Ritalin to adults until I was 20, all I knew was that there must be nasty stuff in it.
When I was younger I had some "problems" (that have lessened, but I have not "grown" out of) that my doctor told my mom Ritalin would fix. I couldn't concentrate in school. I did listen when spoken to directly, but I usually forgot it within five minutes. I was easily distracted, even when I was doing something I enjoyed. I always fidget, with hands, arms, sitting or standing. And I have problems sleeping. But when my mom found out what was in Ritalin she told them no. (I'm still not sure what is in it, never really cared enough to look.)
To this day, I can't help but what wonder if some type of ADD or ADHD medication might be helpful. But I also have a problem with the list of symptoms. I've been on a number of sites, and while they all seem to agree that I have ADD, I don't feel like I meet enough of their criteria. And I don't like the idea of pills in the first place, let alone something that will change my mood. But I did opt to ask my grad school mental health department what type of tests did they do and could they label ADD, after they told me yes, after a 5 hour test, I opted out. Now I wonder, 5 hours of what?
But I have been surrounded with negative information about the pill since they first time I heard of it. I never really thought about all the people it might be helping.
The fact that the pill has the opposite affects on people who don't really have ADD is another reason I will avoid it. I'm hyper enough as it is. But what if my hyperactive behavior is just under that which makes ADD?
Is there a test or something that does not just ask the patient a bunch of questions? How do they know that the person has a dopamine imbalance?
World's King: That was just funny, with the light bulbs and butterflies.
The comic strip was funny and sad and the main reason why, whether or not I have ADD, I will not be taking any pills for it.
[Technically, I'm not possible, I'm made of exceptions. ]