Welp I've ended as main tank for my horde guild on farstriders.
Our melee dps isn't happy with me. I'm top on dps and dmg in 5 man heroics. hehe
I've had one of the best rogues on our server come close but not pass me. I tell them its my rotation.
As long as the mobs strike at me and i dodge, parry and block i get mana back. I get mana back from healing done to me and more with my glyph.
Hell in a boss fight im never outta mana.
Gives me a chance to front load my whole mana bar at the beginning then go nuts during the fight.
A dk tank and i started out on patchy we wiped.. he was trying to main tank him with me as off tank. 45 sec into the fight it went terribly wrong. We swapped and Woot down goes patchy. (10 man naxx btw) I was putting out too much threat even though im just using my dps (hah as a tank) but patchy is undead sooooo.
but anyhew this is my typical view as a tank. This was a few days ago in heroic VH.
lol heres a typical image of my fights.