Originally Posted by Willravel
What life experiences? You didn't mention life experiences.
you obviously didn't see my earlier post about how I was not only prescribed the wrong medicine.. but way too much and there is a potential lawsuit in the making.
Let me tell you another story.. my wife was having stomach problems.. and guess what the doctor prescribed.. Lexapro. yup.. a fucking anti-depressant. Now tell me.. why in the hell would someone do that? Hrmm, I don't know, maybe because they get a kick back from the scripts they write. And just so you know.. it had nothing to do with stress.
"Ritalin is over prescribed."
"It is? How do you know?"
"Prove it isn't!"
"That's not how the burden of proof works."
guess you're a lawyer now too.
you must have gone to a really.. and I mean a really good school to have so much expertise in all these areas.
Do you pay your doctor for an hour of his or her time? Now, how about your psychologist/psychiatrist? The two aren't the same.
You've been "here"?
Why is everyone getting pissed? It's a simple thread on a simple subject.
No, I pay my doctor extremely inflated prices for them to in the end tell me nothing I didn't already know. I don't go to shrinks. I know how and why I feel the way I do. I'd rather not be prescribed some mind medicine for a needless purpose.
Here is TFP. I don't know how long you've been here.. I'm just saying that you always have an excuse or a life changing experience or experience in a subject when confronted.. so basically.. you can take what you want from that statement.