Originally Posted by dc_dux
Must we really have "owning and using firirearms" brought into every poitical discussion here?
There is no gun control legislation hidden in the stimuls bill or the newly enacted SCHIP extension!
and I don't believe that crompsin or I were bringing gun control up as an issue. What we DID bring up though, is the premise that professions like doctors and insurance companies are asking questions about gun ownership and basing their rates or medical diagnosis on that answer. It is just another form of societal manipulation through intimidation. Which is the same thought process as those who base higher taxes on disliked activities.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Here we go again...another dispute about Constitutional authority and, I assume, the general welfare clause. Congress HAS the authority....whether you agree with it or not.
general welfare can HARDLY be thought of as anything less than something that benefits the general public as a whole and NOT someones pet projects. As to p utting more cops on the street, that is supposed to be a state responsibility, not federal.