Originally Posted by streak_56
I thought protectionist caused the "great depression" to get worse?
I completely understand where you're coming from. When I first heard this bill, I thought it made sense to me, I got that whatever projects were covered by this bill would only use US materials. Good deal for the US right? Wrong! Canada trades most with the US than any other country, we probably would still import to the US but at high tariffed prices. This isn't a problem that the US should go in alone, the US needs other countries that are in the same situation, that have needs to that are mutually beneficial to both parties. Just closing your borders to anything but american products is ludicrous.
Other countries are suffering just as bad as the US, the world needs to come together and the WTO is just as important as it ever was.
It's not Canada we should be worried about it's China, Japan, and countries that send us product that comes in cheap with low tariffs but they won't buy anything from us and tariff our product out of competition.
The world is in this together.
And from what I see this bill as saying it says that ONLY product that gets money from Obama's stimulus plan is affected.
Nike, Wal*Mart and so on as long as they take no tax money can keep buying from sweatshops in China or wherever.
I truly see nothing wrong in if you receive tax money you must use US made product. If you don't there is no reason for you to receive aid because your not helping the economy by buying imports and your not putting people to work at home to rebuild the tax base needed to finance what we paid you.
If we build a bridge, it should be with US steel, concrete and workers. If we build a federal/state/local government building it should be built with only US made product from the carpeting to the desks to the structure itself. The taxpayers paid for it, the taxpayers should be paid to make the product used in it.
Now if Trump wants to build a skyscraper in Manhattan, and he takes no government funds for it, he can use whatever country's product he wants.
That's the difference and that's what my above rants were trying to say.
I'm sorry if the world doesn't like it but if our taxpayers aren't working we have no taxes coming in, and all those countries we help won't get any aid.
I honestly don't see how anyone can argue that GOVERNMENT funded projects should not have to use US made product exclusively.it's suicide to the country and a kick in the ribs to hard working US workers and taxpayers.