Originally Posted by Crompsin
You mean like owning and using firearms? They ask about that a lot on those health questionnaires.
Must we really have "owning and using firirearms" brought into every poitical discussion here?
There is no gun control legislation hidden in the stimuls bill or the newly enacted SCHIP extension!
-----Added 9/2/2009 at 08 : 28 : 36-----
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
that's one.
-----Added 9/2/2009 at 08 : 12 : 53-----
mayhaps you should actually read the constitution first? It tells everyone pretty much just what the federal government has authority to do. you might find it 'illuminating'. but then again, you probably just think we're all monsters because we don't agree with you.
Here we go again...another dispute about Constitutional authority and, I assume, the general welfare clause. Congress HAS the authority....whether you agree with it or not.
Where we might agree is that many of the "extras" and "wish list programs" in the stimulus bill should probably go through the normal authorization and appropriations process rather than be tucked into the stimulus bill.
But its a judgement call. I can see how COPS program funding will create jobs (thousands of new cops on the street). Its more of a stretch for programs like neighborhood stabilitization, energy efficiency, or health/wellness.