Originally Posted by dc_dux
The beneficiary of the SCHIP program are the lower and middle class income groups, even more so with 2 million jobs lost last year. The program's approval level is among the highest of any government program. The overwhelming majority of the public wanted it expanded after two Bush vetoes. And 4 million additional kids (one fifth of whose parents are probably smokers, using the general population stats on smokers) will be eligible for health coverage.
Its easy for anyone at any income level to avoid this tax "increase".....QUIT SMOKING. It will even have the side benefit of improving your health.
And the vast majority of tax relief in the stimulus bill is targeted to the lower and middle class income groups.
I think you're are nitpicking here....sloppy vetting does not demonstrate a lack of ethics.
So instead of increasing their taxes directly he signed a bill that taxes a product which will result in 90% of the funding coming from the middle class and lower income groups. At the very least this does not seem to follow the spirit of his no tax increases on the lower income groups. This does not seem like the Obama we heard on the campaign. I don't understand why he did not require/insist that they fund this bill with money from the higher income groups. I did not believe McCain and the Republicans during the campaign when they warned the middle class that he would raise their taxes.
Also I believe he supported some of his nominees even after their tax dodging became widely known.