Originally Posted by roachboy
so i think obama needs to go further to break with the sad old neoliberal legacy and everything it stands for. but it's unreasonable to expect that break to emerge full-blown in less than a month.
I know it is early and he hasn't had much time to deal with the economic crisis but based on his campaign promises I would have expected him to at least try to be true to his word in the beginning of his administration.
- On raising taxes of the middle class and lower income groups:
He could have said "I know expanding SCHIP is a good thing, but go back to the drawing board and come up with funding that is not mostly taken from the lower income groups".
- On Ethics
He should say "anyone who has cheated on their taxes will not be a part of my administration, no exceptions". The fact that one of them is now head of the IRS borders on the ridiculous.
- On the Stimulus Package
I don't know what to make of this bill. It seems to have a lot of earmark type special interest items but I guess an argument can be made that even a bridge to nowhere creates some jobs.