In terms of "pork," this stimulus bill has significantly less than the bail out last semester. And while people often can find programs that make little sense, the key is that these programs a) make up about a couple of percentage points of the total package and b)any spending in a recession generates economic activity. Keynes famous example was hiring two crews, one to dig holes, the other to cover them up.
The key problem, however, is something that no one can do anything about now, just remember not to repeat in the future: do not run deficits during economic expansions, especially if there are signs of a bubble.
Ps: if anyone is interested in what the republicans consider "waste," here is a list
What GOP Leaders deem wasteful in Senate stimulus bill -
add it up and see what share of the stimulus bill it makes up. The only republican who seems to be making sense these days is Greg Mankiw, and that is because he is an economist first. Other key conservatives writing worthwhile comments are Gary Becker and Richard Posner.