Originally Posted by Redjake
I don't think that was entirely intentional. For how expensive those things are (millions) combined with what would happen if he ditched (die), it's not worth trying it. Most pilots consider being 100 ft. close to the ground to be "life and death" - much less 20 ft. I'm sure his gear was buzzing and alarming and all sorts of shit when he got that low!
That's all the more reason why it was intentional, he's showing off for an air show. If he was just flying around he wouldn't have dove towards the water just for kicks in a million dollar plane. Fact is he's trained and experienced with the plane and knows it's capabilities. If he was ever in an "oh shit" moment. he had plenty time/space to react. If you look at the video his flying was calm and cool all the way into the dive and out of it. If you look even more closely, at the end of the dive where he puts up for a moment he levels off parallel to the water even though he's still losing altitude before he pulls up to gain altitude. If he was really out of his comfort zone he wouldn't have leveled off but instead pulled up and he would have done it sooner before getting close to the water.