Pay limits are fine as long as they are applied to everyone's pay structure when all or partial funds come from the federal government. College/university execs, political organizations, federally funded advocacy groups, lobbyists, federal employees, senators, congressmen, the president, the list goes on and on. This would include all perks and freebies as part of total income.
I believe these excesses are irresponsible and should be addressed (like the obscene extravagance of the presidential inauguration during dire economic times). But this is only a drop in the bucket related to the real economic issues we need to address. These are diversions... sort of like all the hubbub about Olympians smoking pot and executive pay caps when a $780-827,000,000,000 government-expansionists wet-dream of a pork-deal is about to be voted in as a "stimulus" package... and most of you (America) and our Senators don't have a clue as to what's in the details. As long as everyone's feeling all hopey-changey, I guess the details don't matter.
"It rubs the lotion on Buffy, Jodi and Mr. French's skin" - Uncle Bill from Buffalo
Last edited by ottopilot; 02-07-2009 at 04:42 AM..