Banshee, I'm pretty sure that it can and has been used for this purpose. Almost all of the pot smokers I know have, at one time or another, tried to grow their own. And I understand that a lot of pot growing operations use hydroponics or at least overhead lighting like what the Aerogrow uses.
Basil is hit and miss for me when planted outside from seed. Fortunately seed packets are available almost everywhere for really, really cheap. I usually devote a little space in the garden near the kitchen to throw down some herb seeds or try to plant a few in a planter up on the deck. Planting from seed in multiple locations, different sunlight exposure, etc. can minimize the chances that you are going to fail at growing some of your favorites in at least one of those locations.
The only herb I have really never gotten good results with is also one of my favorites, cilantro. I have gotten it to sprout a few times and even put out a first few real leaves. Invariably, it then goes to seed after sending up one straight stalk, or just dies outright. I've read that it is more of a cold weather herb, so that may be the issue that I am encountering.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein