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Old 06-09-2003, 12:45 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Brad Pitt always plays a philosophical character, he's pretty cool. My take on life and what it means to be human... well, I know that someone is going to browse through this thread, read my post, and become angry or offended (the likliest case), or simply disagree, so here it goes anyway: the purpose of everything is for it to do exactly what it is doing right now. In other words, if a gun is killing someone right now, it was meant for that purpose and that purpose alone, at that instant. If a fork is being used to eat a potato salad, then that is the only purpose that the fork could possibly have ever served... at that moment. Everything that is, simply is. Whatever happens, it was meant to happen, regardless of how tragic these events may sometimes be. I know that someone who has recently had something bad happen in their life is going to get on my ass about this just because it doesn't help them feel any better, and they're going to inform a moderator/adminstrator and have my post edited/removed, but before you do, just think about what I said, it might actually help you cope with whatever it is that happened. The meaning of life is to live, and what it means to be human is everything that you do, and nothing else. "What does it mean to be human" does not have a "one size fits all" answer, it is simply the product of one's own actions that defines that individual's purpose as a human being.
The most important thing in this world is love.

Last edited by Stiltzkin; 06-09-2003 at 12:47 PM..
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