I like the idea.
I am amused by the whining that seems to be occuring on Wall Street (though who knows if it actually is occurring). I heard an interview with a "compensation consultant" who was complaining about how some of these poor executives had become accustomed to a lifestyle which they just couldn't maintain if they had to subsist on a mere $500,000 a year. I tried to make out some sort of contempt in his voice, but there was none: he was fucking seriously complaining on behalf of these douchebags. These people who are supposed to be so brilliantly able to manage money that they deserve million dollar salaries can't seem to figure out how to make it on half a million a year.
I know families who have eked out a living on roughly $20,000 a year who have just had to come to terms with the fact that one of them needs to find a new fucking job. If any of these fucking overpaid Wall Street babies think they have it rough, then they could stand to learn a thing or two about what it's like to try and make a living doing something other than dicking around with other people's money.
Then I thought about it, and I realized that this "compensation consultant" guy's job was to tell executives that they should be making more money, and that executives probably paid him pretty well to do that job. Of course he's going to try to make it sound like their current pay rates are justified, he's a lackey.
Last edited by filtherton; 02-05-2009 at 06:09 AM..