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Old 02-04-2009, 10:36 AM   #19 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Originally Posted by levite View Post
Yeah, spoon bending is, generally speaking, a crock.
Why is spoon bending a crock when you say that there are people who exist that can move objects around with their mind?

Originally Posted by levite View Post
I have encountered at least one genuine telekinetic, who begged me never to reveal his secret to anyone I didn't trust implicitly, lest he end up a government lab rat. In several random settings-- places he could have had no way of knowing we would end up, and thus could not have arranged any kind of trickery-- I saw him move small objects short distances by concentrating on them. His hands were in plain view the entire time, and most of the objects were non-metallic-- salt shakers, coffee cups, cassette tapes (this was quite a while ago), pencils, and suchlike-- and could not have been manipulated by magnets.

I knew one set of twins (fraternal) who could apparently effect clairvoyant or telepathic contact with one another, with varying degrees of success. On their good days, you could give him a word, or even a simple sentence, in the basement of their house, and she could write it out simultaneously in the attic.
I am not attacking you here so sorry if I come off as rude, but this is bullshit. If a person -- meaning, the person you experienced -- can move objects short distances by concentrating on them then every science book in the world would have to be rewritten, a good chunk of scientific laws would no longer make sense, and physics would be thrown out the window to be started over. What you're suggest is that "magic" is real, and you almost seem unimpressed by it ("he can only move small objects"). A discovery of this magnitude would change human civilization forever. It would be the biggest scientific discovery in hundreds of years and would bring forward a wealth of knowledge so gigantic that it can't be described. And you NOR this guy are willing to come forward because he doesn't want to become a lab rat?

Are you serious?

I am a twin, and I know that there are no weird twin powers going on here. Yet you say there is a set of twins who can telecommunicate. Again, this is flat out magic, and any success here is worth going into a huge scientific debate over. Yet they haven't came forward and their "secret" is still under wraps.

Help me understand this: you have discovered magical beings who can literally move objects with their mind and neither this person or you feel it's important to society. Why?
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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