Originally Posted by aphex140
Have fears over this being the start of a trade isolationist policy
EU attacks 'Buy American' clause
Buy American is meant to ensure that only US goods are used in public works
That's talking just governmental built bridges, buildings etc. Private companies will still have the right to buy from other countries.
The EU has increased its pressure on the US to reconsider the "Buy American" clause in the $800bn (£567bn) economic recovery package now before Congress.
The clause seeks to ensure that only US iron, steel and manufactured goods are used in projects funded by the bill.
A European Commission spokesman said it was the "worst possible signal" the Obama administration could send out.
The EU will launch a complaint with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) if the clause remains, the spokesman said.
Fuck the EU, Fuck the WTO. Where were they when every other country subsidized their steel and other industries and watched those policies destroy us.
Where are they and what are they doing to stop 3rd World and Chinese sweatshops and slave labor?
Oh wait, they are profiting on those. To these scumbags, go fuck yourselves, we have every right to protect our industries and jobs.
The EU and Canadian ambassadors to Washington have already warned that the clause could promote protectionism and trigger retaliatory moves.
That's it I'm scared.... time to go watch Canadian Bacon.
The rescue plan has already been approved by the US House of Representatives and is under discussion in the Senate this week.
As well it should be.
Mixed trade signals
"There isn't a great deal of scope for doing much more but if America went ahead and did this we would have to take it up with the World Trade Organisation," the European Commission trade spokesman, Peter Power, told the BBC's Chris Mason in Brussels.
British Conservative Members of the European Parliament warned of the dangers of "a new economic iron curtain" being drawn across Europe.
We're finally finding balls to stand up and save our industries and 1000's of jobs and the EU doesn't like it because now we're playing by their rules. GO FUCK YOURSELVES. We are a SOVEREIGN nation not your fucking colonies and world police. We need to rebuild at home and worry about our own first.
We regard this legislation as setting a very dangerous precedent at a time when the world is facing a global economic crisis
John Bruton
EU ambassador to Washington
Worry about your own countries then. Where were you to foot the bill on our rebuilid of Europe and Japan after WW2? Where is your economic aid to help our citizens? Yeah, go fuck yourselves.
Obama diary: First 100 days
Dire warnings about protectionism
The clause "sends a terrible protectionist signal to the rest of the world, and particularly the EU," said Syed Kamall, the Conservative international trade spokesman in the European Parliament.
The White House has said it is reviewing the Buy American part of the stimulus bill, although Vice President Joe Biden said last week that it was legitimate to have some portion of it in the final measure.
Why worry, it's just government financed works. Privately owned businesses still have the right to buy from anywhere. If we build a bridge here with taxpayer money, then we should build it with US made material andd put US citizens and companies to work. Every other industrialized country does it. We shouldn't because we're the US??????? Fuck you.
Barack Obama's signals as a presidential candidate on the campaign trail last year that he could rip up the North American Free Trade Agreement were seen as a political gesture to win round the sceptical white working class vote, says the BBC's Jonathan Beale, in Washington.
NAFTA was a mistake.
Perhaps that has become more important with the economic crisis, but it leaves one wondering where the Obama administration really stands on free trade, our correspondent adds.
Fuck free trade when you tariff OUR goods out of competition and then cry if we want to tariff yours even a little.
'Retaliatory risk'
EU Ambassador to Washington John Bruton said that, if passed, the measure could erode global leadership on free trade.
"We regard this legislation as setting a very dangerous precedent at a time when the world is facing a global economic crisis."
Blah blah blah
President Barack Obama
Barack Obama says he expects a "difficult few days"
Canada's ambassador to Washington warned Senate leaders that if Buy American was in the final legislation, it would set a negative precedent with global repercussions.
"The United States will lose the moral authority to pressure others not to introduce protectionist policies," Michael Wilson wrote in a letter to the senators.
Canada was hoping to be exempted from any Buy American measures, said International Trade Minister Stockwell Day.
"These protectionist measures, in a time of recession, only make things worse," he told broadcaster CBC.
"It can only trigger retaliatory action and we don't want to go there."
Why because taxpayer funded projects will be made with taxpayer made product? Fuck you. You still have the private sector to sell to.
At times like this of course a domestic government should encourage the consumption of home produced goods
Amen. you cannot get out of a recession or depression if you continue to buy foreign made materials and not put people at home to work. Plus, you have no tax base if no one is working or there is no industry. But the EU and WTO would seemingly like to keep us down.
There is also opposition from some senior US Republicans who say the measure could start trade wars.
START???????? START trade wars?????? lol..... we have been in one and we haven't been doing shit to protect ourselves, we finally decide to grow some balls and do what's right for OUR country and now we are being the bad guys? Go fuck yourself.
Mr Obama has urged the US Congress not to delay his stimulus plan over modest differences.
The Democrat leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, has said he hopes the stimulus can be approved by the end of the week.
It is unlikely that the package will be able to pass the Senate without Republican support.
Meanwhile, Mr Obama is expected to name Republican Senator Judd Gregg as commerce secretary.
Mr Obama will hope that Mr Gregg's nomination can help secure approval for the stimulus package, our Washington correspondent says.
And that's why the GOP is no longer in power over anything. Reagan, BushI, the GOP led congress and BushII started this and kept it alive, and look where we are. No industry, what industry we have is going bankrupt, wages going backwards except for the ultra rich and we're having to buy the cheapest goods because it's all we can afford and those goods are made outside the US so more US workers end up on the unemployment line.
Not rocket science, we need to protect our own, we have helped and helped other countries to the point of it being totally detrimental to ourselves. Here's an idea for you countries out there..... rely on your own fucking selves and get off our dole.We can't afford to carry you any longer and you sure as Hell never helped us. You only want to scream when we decide to stand up for ourselves.
Mr Gregg would be the third Republican in Mr Obama's cabinet.
The president's first choice for the post, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, withdrew following questions about his links to big business.
I appreciate it is an economic recovery package- but still very concerned !!
About what? Putting US citizens to work? The WTO should never have the ability to dictate to us what materials we need to use for public projects. They have never done shit to level the playing field for us in the past and now, now when we have a president that has some balls and is going to level the field, they want to cry and bitch and claim it's unfair????? Fuck them.