The argument has always been that the second amendment was not a
right given to citizens and that it
only applied to members of the armed forces (militia), and then only in performance of their duty. That is a wrongheaded assupmtion and, inspite of evidence to the contrary, you still maintain it.
I simply stated that the right to keep and bear arms is absolute, in reference to ordinary citizens purchasing, registering and keeping a firearm, and it is. I assumed that anybody here would understand my inferred application of the ammendment and the ruling of the court.
I never implied that ordinary folks have, or should have the right, to buy operational tanks, fully automatic weapons, or ridiculously large weapons. The kind that serve no purpose in the defense of your family, home or property. I stated that the exact opposite was my opinion, also the result of any reasonable interpretation of the 2nd Ammendment, but, you all conveniently ignore that with every reply you make.
I have also stated that the downside with the right to keep and bear arms is that
almost any written/legal restriction on the type of weapon a citizen is "allowed" to purchase and keep is an open door to more restriction and therefore, restricted liberty. I maintain that the current,"common sense" laws preventing the purchase of de-commissioned battleships, and such armament, do what they were written to do, enforce the use of common sense.
You can't just go the gun store and buy the types of weapons that we all know to be useless outside of a military action. RPG's, surface to air missiles and such are just off limits to us, and for good reason. While you can buy a tank, it's weapons are rendered inoperative. It's just a huge lump of mobile metal with an engine. So, if some nut wants to buy a tank and park it in his front yard, that's his life, not mine. It's his choice, even if it is stupid. I'd rather a loon have his tank, and subsequent public ridicule, and keep my rights, liberty, and freedom intact.
By the way, I'm not a gun nut with an arsenal that rivals the local law enforcement, I'm just an American.
I love this forum.