Why do very many people often describe others while referring to them? In a meeting today I was awaiting the rest of my team to join us. We were having our weekly huddle and a member of my team .. lets call her Liz .. piped up, "I wish big belly would just show up and get this started already".
Now, I don't give a shit what kind of day you had and if it was that stressful but it's remarks like these that send me through the roof. I totally understand where
Strange Famous was coming from when he lost control. I could be calm in one minute and go from 0-60 in the next because of open hostility towards others for reasons unknown.
I was born in an environment that often I couldn't understand why so much stock was placed in matters that could be resolved with neither effort nor time need be consumed. I try hard to become "captain don't care" because I must have read a painful truth somewhere ...
Originally Posted by Tully Mars
1. Other people can't make you happy or sad without your permission ...
But the thing is I can't seem to stop it. A stab of anger just rises to my gut like a hiccup and remains knotted there with the frustration of knowing that this behavior can and will go long enough to do damage whilst unchecked!!! It's one thing to not care ... but what does not caring mean? Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't notice!!! I honestly don't find this stuff funny.
I know things like these bother you guys ... in a passive perspective, you will be inclined to ask me the Swahili parable ... "You haven't tasted the chilli then why does it bother you (Sting your tongue)?" Why then, don't you stay away from matters that don't concern you, she wasn't directing the comment at you, mind your own goddamned bizness!!!
Sidenote ... Yeah, I know what you think, but when I started working and lost my subscription to readers digest, TFP replaced it.