Good advice here! I've done much of this already. I think I really just wanted some backup on what I was looking at, and wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking something big.
My FAFSA is already filled out and filed. I'm already looking solely at the area Tech College for my first 2 years of schooling if I decide to move to a 4 year degree. No matter what path I choose, my first year of schooling will pretty much be the same.
I'm really kind of leaning towards sociology. I don't necessarily want to move into a job in that area that's solely theoretical, or anything of that nature. I just find society and how it reacts to change fascinating...but I'd still be pretty happy moving into something like marketing, or research. My worry is that, as Zeraph states, I'll end up doing the same damn thing I am now, making the same wage, only with school loans to pay off.
That's why I haven't comitted to anything, as of yet.
I don't expect a degree to magically get me the job I want. However, it may get me a foot in the door, so I can hopefully show some folks that I'm fairly intelligent, hard working, and an OK guy.
I think I'm just feeling a little adrift. I'm fighting the pull to follow my dreams against the need for stability as the sole breadwinner for the family, so it's a little frightening at times.
If other have ideas or advice, I'd love to hear it. For those who have already posted, thanks a bunch!
Don't mind me. I'm just releasing the insanity pressure from my headvalves.