I don't really prepare for civil unrest or WWIII. I do prepare for hurricanes and tsunamis. I keep water, both in the house in 20L jugs and on the roof (I have 1100 L on my roof all the time, just the way my house works,) gas, enough food for about 3 weeks. Mainly MRE's- but dog food and cans of this and that for myself too. A generator, chainsaw, Coleman stove and lanterns, hand tools, a ton of 550 and duct tape. I also have an escape route planned to higher ground and a GPS, I have my route planned on lesser traveled roads. On short notice I can get most of it in my truck in 15-20 mins. Of course I can get it done faster just might not get everything. But this is the view from in front of my porch-
And the Yucatan is flat as a pancake. I have to drive 45mins to the "Puuc Route" or hill route to gain any elevation. So my thoughts are more about the weather and nature then the political climate. My guess is even if much of the rest of the world goes whacko this place will mainly just shrug and go about life as normal. A lot of people here live off the land and could give a rats ass about what happens in Mexico City, D.C. or Wall St.