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Old 02-01-2009, 08:49 AM   #7 (permalink)
Eccentric insomniac
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Location: North Carolina
Originally Posted by Daniel_ View Post
I wonder about this.

In what circumstance do you need to be able to shoot things as part of a disaster?
Ideally you won't have to, but there are documented cases during periods of civil unrest where homeowners/communities used arms to repel looters/rioters successfully. Usually the presence of a weapon was a sufficient deterrent.

Additionally, a weapon allows you at least the option of hunting.

Here's my take on what you have/have not listed:

First, be realistic and plan accordingly. I am paranoid (or prepared depending on your point of view) enough I carry around a contingency bag in my car whenever I go on a trip. However, it isn't just geared towards a complete societal collapse/armageddon, etc. as those things are very, very unlikely. I have set it up knowing at some point in my life I will probably either be involved in a bad car accident or be a witness to I have a removable pocket with trauma items. I am more likely to get lost than for my car to suddenly stop working due to EMP, so I have maps. I have money because I may need to pay cash unexpectedly. I also have basic emergency preparedness items, etc.

First, if you are serious about this you need two different setups. First, are the items you plan on storing at home and using at home. Second, is basically a blow out bag with the items you feel will most enable you to survive if you have to displace (i.e. Katrina, etc.).

If you are as paranoid as I am you might want to look into some long term food storage. Check out Happy Hovel Storable Foods (Bulk Long Term Food, Water, Seed and Egg Storage) You can get a 5 gallon bucket with about 40 lbs of nitrogen packed grains/beans/salt/spaghetti, etc. for a very reasonable price. I mention this not because it is realistic to think you could stay in your house for a year while everyone around you starves, but because preparation, in part, is about minimizing problems and being able to feed your neighbors during a relatively short disruption will go a long ways towards keeping you safe. A carbohydrate source, a protein source, salt, a tub of crisco and some multi-vitamins will feed you for a very long time, or you and your neighbors for a couple weeks after they exhaust what is in their pantries.

You need something to store water in. Something cheap like old soda bottles (don't use anything that had milk in it as the milk will leave residue inside the bottle). If you have a basement just rinse and refill 2 liter soda bottles with some water. Additional water can be obtained from your water heater if you get caught off guard. Also, you need the ability to procure more water...a filter and/or iodine tablets are perfect. A filter is better for chemical/radiation contaminated areas.

If you have 500 rounds of ammunition you need more than one magazine to put it in. Magazines are the single most likely failure point of any semi automatic weapon. You can still get 30 round USGI Magazines for about 16 dollars a pop if you search around a bit online. You don't need a dozen, but at least three or so.

Fuel source: If you have a fireplace you should have a good supply of wood and a chainsaw/axe IOT procure more if necessary. A grill with a couple extra propane tanks is also a plus...just rotate through them during normal everyday grilling. Of course, matches and a few lighters. Some good long-life candles would be very convenient also.

If you are going to get a geiger counter, make sure you get one of the more sensitive ones which measures in millirems. It will be useful for testing food/water sources and to stay away from hot spots completely. The others will basically just tell you when you get zapped with a near-lethal dose of radiation and will do nothing to prevent you from dying slowly.

The Tyvek suit won't help you at all, though a gas mask might. Unless you have a real decontamination facility and the drugs to treat for nerve agent you are just wasting your time. Your best bet in the event of a chemical attack is to stay inside with the gas mask on for about 24 hrs so any non-persistent agent can disperse. If there is persistent agent around your house you are going to be dead no matter what you do.

A Knife is important, but you need a multitool also. Don't go cheap on the knife as cheap ones just won't hold up when you really, really need them too.

If you want to store fuel for the generator, Diesel is probably your best bet as gasoline has a very short shelf life before it basically turns into lacquer. I don't personally plan on bothering with a generator at all...they are noisy attention getters.

Instead of sugar, go with rice/spaghetti/etc. You can get a 20 lb bag of rice for about 10 bucks and it has a LOT of calories. Shelf life will only be a year or so, but you can rotate through it. Salt is important and often overlooked so good on you for that.

In addition to your radios, get a scanner and/or an am/fm radio that also picks up the international bands...there will be information to be had so long as you have a working radio. (extra batteries, of course)

Medical supplies are important, though you don't really need what is in the typical home medicine kit. Get a book called Ditch Medicine and stock up on items that can be used to treat bigger-than-band-aid injuries and antibiotics, everything you can get. Short term a tourniquet with HemCon and an Israeli Bandage will prevent most injuries from resulting in death due to blood loss...provided you can get them to a hospital. Remember that in all actuality you are most likely to need your medical supplies because you or someone around you did something stupid, rather than a societal breakdown and you need to prepare mostly for immediate aid until the ambulance shows up.

Don't bother with a tent. If you have to displace then things are really bad and you need to keep a low profile and be very situationally aware...not cooped up inside a tent where you have no idea what is going on around you. Besides, that extra weight could be a couple extra days worth of food. Get a small tarp and some bungee cords.

Hand Tools, you will need to be able to conduct basic repairs, chop down trees, saw logs, dig holes, etc.

Toilet paper (not really essential but so cheap why would you willingly go without it?)

A good compass and a map of your local area for your blow out bag.

Warm/Wet weather don't need much to survive, but if it's 35 degrees and raining you will have a hard time of it without a sweater and a rain jacket.

A small flashlight.

Snare Wire (for on the move)

550 Cord. It's a really light, really strong rope that is good for everything.

A Survival and Edible Wild Plants book.

A plan...You probably won't be successful in a real breakdown alone. You will need to decide who you will help and who you won't because your preparedness will amount to nothing if you give everything away. At the same time if you try to hoard you won't last long as the only person around who has food...
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence
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