I got to thinking about making a real survival kit, not just the duck tape, plastic and some water one that most people should have. I am looking at being able to use this in any emergency from nuclear fallout and a killer virus to food shortages and super volcanoes. So, the need for this is really small, but if I do need it, then it is better to have it on hand then have to deal with panicked people looking for the same stuff. And while I trust my government with most things, this is not one of them. They don't care about keeping me alive so much as they care about maintaining order and finding out how to fix the big problem.
FEMA: Basic Disaster Supplies
FEMA has some good ideas for a basic survival kit, but can you think of something that isn't on the list? What items would FEMA never recommend, but if society breaks down, you would want? If a serious disaster happened (nuclear, EMP pulse, chemical release, massive killer flu outbreak, ...) the government will not be able to handle everyone's safety and survival needs. Each situation is different, but what would you want in a worst case scenario? From losing power for eight days to where people are killing each other for the last can of food type of situation?
Here is what I am thinking:
-Guns (AR-15 or AK47) with 30 round clip. 9mm handgun.
-500 rounds for each
-Radiation detector (ok, so this is a little out there)
VINTAGE 50S CIVIL DEFENSE RADIATION DETECTOR COLD WAR - eBay (item 110342514052 end time Jan-31-09 19:21:56 PST)
-Potassium iodide pills
Frequently Asked Questions on Potassium Iodide (KI)
-Military BDU uniform
-Tyvek suit with gas mask and rubber boots and gloves
-Water purification drops
-Siphon for gasoline
-Home gas generator
-Fire Extinguisher
-10 lbs salt
-10 lbs sugar
-Walkie talkies
-CB radio
-Hand powered FM/AM radio
-Hand powered flashlight
-Can food
-Containers for water (100 gal)
-Container for gas (10 gal)
-Tent & sleeping bag
-Plastic Sheets & Duct Tape
-Solar or wind power generator?
-Medical supplies
-Hand tools
-Fire starters and matches
-latex gloves
A lot of the stuff is on the government list actually.
Ready.gov - Prepare. Plan. Stay Informed.
Am I missing something that you would want? Or should this be in the paranoia section?