The British would like to have their guns back.
From the beginning of the film: These are a tiny, TINY minority of people who live in the countryside and like torturing foxes in a manner which if urbanites did likewise to urban foxes, they'd be charged with animal cruelty instantly. Gun nuts, not real sportsmen or farmers, tagged onto that movement by characterising their lust for unregulated gun ownership as a 'traditional right'.
You can find loons in every society and those interviewed in the film most certainly fall in that category.
The solution to the gun problem is more guns. Fantastic.
It is PERFECTLY within the law in the UK to own a gun... you need a police-issued licence (two referees and a mental health check up) and to either leave your gun in a sports club OR in your own home - within an accredited gun safe. My family now live in a rural area and many people own guns out there.
Tony Martin, the case mentioned, shot two men in the back as they were running away from his home, killing one. As he mentions, it was the third time he'd been burgled that year and he's quoted, though I can't find it atm, as saying something along the lines of 'i was going to make damn sure it wasn't happening again.'.
In other words, he set out to do harm, with malice aforethought and killed a man.
The Daily Mail - which was an avid fan of fascism back in those heady days of the 30's and still operate on an editorial policy of feeding their readers a dose of daily hate - headed a campaign of misrepresentation in the media which eventually led to political pressure and this disgusting man, a murderer, having his case reviewed.
If you're going to make a case for reviewing gun laws, then putting Mr Martin out front is not the best way to go about it... After all... he had a gun, so what's the point about brits wanting their guns again? huh?
The British people do not want more guns in the UK, they want the elements of society that fuel gun ownership, availability and use reduced or eliminated. More and more people are starting to wrestle with the idea of legalising drugs, in the face of a media that doesn't really put over anything but wholly negative drug stories, and removing the vast majority of it and its related crimes, where most gun crime in the UK stems from.
American show goes over to a foreign land, picks out a handful of nuts and misrepresents them as popular opinion. My, that's a novelty.