There's this school of thought that goes, If I'm just AROUND her, and she sees how NICE I am, and if I WANT it hard enough, somehow a chaste little friendship will turn into TRUE LOVE FOREVER and we'll ride off into the sunset.
Guys living in that particular delusion set up "just friend" activities with the women they're interested in. That's what I mean by "stealth date". It's a date as far as you're concerned, but you lied about that when setting it up.
That can go one of two ways. Best case, you end up pining madly for your "friend", posting ever more emo advice-seeking threads on TFP. Worst case, she whiffs the stench of desperation and desire off you and leaves you on the curb. Somewhere in the middle, you end up holding her hair while she pukes after coming back drunk from a party where she screwed the football team, and having her fall asleep in your lap telling you what a great friend you are.
Don't do that. Grow a pair. Ask her out. Be direct. Worst thing that happens is, she says no, which doesn't mean ANYTHING about you.