Originally Posted by Willravel
Feel free to name names, cite sources. I'm always up for some new information. And knowing particulars would make this more than just a cryptic conversation about nothing.
Well, of course, very few people were openly atheistic in 16th to 18th Century Europe, and even fewer still in Medieval to Renaissance Europe. Heck, it really wasn't until the French Revolution that it became permissible to be openly atheistic, and that was only in France. Because, to be openly atheistic, otherwise, was a sure way to become persecuted, tortured, beheaded, burnt at the stake, hung from the gallows, etc.
Many modern-day historians support that it's more than likely that Leonardo da Vinci (as one example) was a closet atheist (and more than likely a closet homosexual, too). Likewise, it is supported that Niccolo Machiavelli (as another example) was more than likely an atheist.
But, of course, there is no irrefutable evidence to support either of those examples. In either of those examples, you have to consider the entire biography of the person in question, along with that person's deeds and tendencies throughout their life. Historians and biographers can't rely on hard, irrefutable evidence when they seek to determine the likelihood of a historical figure being a
closet atheist (or even the likelihood of a historical figure being a
closet homosexual, for that matter). Myself, I was referring more to overall human nature and to the tendencies of societies, throughout history, than I was to any specific and known historical examples of a closet atheist.
Originally Posted by Willravel
Ah, so now we jump from "some pragmatic atheists aren't being outspoken about their beliefs" to "oh, and they're probably neocons"? That's a rather bold, and unsupportable position to take.
Originally Posted by Willravel
I don't know why you bring
this up. Anyway, you should read more information about that subject, before you present us with your supposition of the data you cited. For example...
Prison Incarceration and Religious Preference