Thanks for your input. As much as I complain about being a virgin, when reading the other members posts on having three/foursomes, one night stand with the coworker, screwing a guys 20 years older than them, I just don't think that sorta stuff is for me, I feel like I wanna try to do something for the long term.
As a bit of an update, she said she's coming in July, and going to be here for the whole month. I was hoping she'd say she'd be coming for Spring Break in march, but I guess not... As far as going out to see her, I've been really low on cash, especially since I just paid for the spring college semester, and my laptop just bit the dust and I need one for school so I just purchased one. With work and school, I don't have a good few days to take off and go up there, and if I did it'd be in the summer, when she's coming down (supposedly).
I'll wait till then, and if she can't come then, then it's over.