Originally Posted by Cynosure
You do realize that, historically, there have been closet atheists who have been patrons of religion, and some who were even religion leaders? Especially in Europe before the 18th Century and the so called Age of Enlightenment.
Feel free to name names, cite sources. I'm always up for some new information. And knowing particulars would make this more than just a cryptic conversation about nothing.
Originally Posted by Cynosure
So, it would not be surprising (to me, at least) to find that many of the seeming proponents of religion, particularly those proponents of Fundamentalist Christianity and those who are involved in corporate and/or political power, are secretly agnostic or even atheistic. All the more probable for those who have been active and gained power amidst the fear-mongering that followed 9/11.
Ah, so now we jump from "some pragmatic atheists aren't being outspoken about their beliefs" to "oh, and they're probably neocons"? That's a rather bold, and unsupportable position to take.
Also, considering that the atheist population in prisons is
proportionally lower than average, it seems an even more unfounded.