Originally Posted by filtherton
You don't like beets? That is so gay.
For the record, Obama went to a UCC church, which means that he is just a touch more dogmatic than a Unitarian Universalist.
I went to an LCMS church until I didn't have to anymore. It doesn't get a whole lot more repressed and conservative than LCMS.
Look at it this way, at least 1/10th of the US is nonreligious. More nonreligious people are located in jobs that require more education (attorneys, medical doctors, etc.). Wouldn't that suggest that statistically at least a few members of the Senate were nonreligious and as many as 40 or more in the House? Since there's only one known atheist in either of those places (Pete Stark), wouldn't that suggest it's probable people are quiet about their disbelief? It's no secret that atheists are a lot less likely to be elected.