I went skinny dipping off of the dock at my aunt's old lake cabin on one of the busiest days of the summer season in the middle of the day, just because my mother bet me I would be too chicken to do so. Clearly, she underestimated how comfortable I am in my own skin.
It was fun!
I've never really done anything crazy stupid. I have urinated in a public park in Portland, Oregon, but that was because it was after midnight on New Years Eve and there were no open public bathrooms, despite the hundreds of people wandering around downtown, and no establishment would let us in without paying a cover charge. We went down to the South Park Blocks thinking there might be something open there, but no, they were all locked, so I just squatted against the side of the building and went.
I've also smoked pot out on the sidewalk in Seattle. We were visiting a friend who was a student at the University of Washington and lived in a fraternity. His frat wasn't cool with him smoking inside, so he just went out on the sidewalk and did it. The cops rolled by the end of the street while we were smoking, but the cops in Seattle just don't care about people smoking pot, so long as they're not doing anything stupid.
I'm pretty much a goody-two-shoes, always have been.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau