Body shaving
Not sure if this goes here or elsewhere, but I'll try it here and see.
Awhile back I took to shaving my armpits. I used to just trim them but they just got hot and even itchy, and no matter what I did or how hard I scrubbed the hair would just hold a faint smell, so finally in desperation I just shaved it all. I have to say it was like night and day, so much better!
So I thought maybe it might not be such a bad thing to clear off my whole chest. I mean, I'm not a really hairy guy, but my hair is dark and it is coarse, so it always looks like there is more than there is, and it gets unruly. I suppose I am the target market for those body grooming shears or whatever you call them.
The thing is that it becomes kinda obvious when I shave, and so herein lies the question. If I shave my chest, should I go all out and do the arms, legs, everything? Or does a hairless chest (and back) look ok with hair'd arms and legs?
As an aside, there is a product called Nair for Men, which I tried once on my lower half. Holy cow, that stuff is made with like, raw panther or something. The stench is unbearable.
But anyway, I dunno. Like I said, would it look weird? Do guys who go all out look like giant babies, to you? What're some of your thoughts?
There's room for all God's creatures.
Right next to the mashed potatoes.