To answer your question, I don't really care what a lot of the objectors think. If we're trying to please the French, Germans and Russians, we can't do that while we're doing what is right. (Although, I am speaking in historic terms, not necessarily about the current administrations; Sarkozy and Merkel seem to be a bit more sensible than some that came before them). The question really is phrased wrong: We don't need to be as concerned about what others think of us as they need to be concerned about our opinion of them. Too often, we've let nations poke us in the eye and just smile in amusement. I fear Obama will invite others to criticize us, and then agree with them. That's not too bright, and I hope he doesn't.
However, we need to change our mindset from the world's policemen to the world's firemen. Go in, take care of the problem, let someone else clean up.
A Voice Of Reason, not necessarily the ONLY one.