Originally Posted by raeanna74
Update on our current VA battle...
My SO got a call from the VA the other day. We assumed it was to inform him of the results of his MRI. They never left a message even though he explicitely asked them to. Not even a "Mr... Please call...". He ended up calling 3 different places to find out who called him. Never did find out. Instead he did talk to the nurse (no receptionist at the local clinic) at the local clinic and she asked another Nurse, if he needed to come in for anything. The other nurse said no. Then we get a letter in the mail today saying that he Missed an appointment. What?! He called to find out what was going on. ANOTHER nurse said that he'd been scheduled for a lab test to make sure the radiologic die they'd used for the MRI was out of his system. To top it of the nurse who'd given him the wrong information in the first place is the one who keeps screwing things up. She refuses to leave him messages on the answering machine, even though he's asked. She has spoken rudely to both of us, and she always looks hung over at the clinic. He is planning on writing a clear and detailed complaint letter soon.
This sounds less like a systems issue and more like an issue of a couple of incompetent and uncaring people. Any organization large enough will have its share of asshats.