Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
A bit from column A, a bit from Column B....
I like PVE because I like adventures.
I like PVP because I like large-scale battles.
I have little experience in raiding. I've done it two or three times. It was a bit chaotic, so I've stayed away since.
IMHO, you are best to make one your priority and the other for fun. To get the high lvl tier 7 PVE gear or the season 5 arena gear takes TIME. PVE after awhile becomes less about adventures and more about finding the right people to raid with every week. To get to the point that you can go to Naxx (lowest lvl WotLK raid) you need to be equipped with the best Heroic instance gear. That means you have to raid those everyday until you get the drop you need. Then it's either finding 10 people to raid with that are not noobs and can actually listen to instructions or finding a guild that is already farming those 10-mans.
Arena gear takes time too, but you could (in theory) do on a less structured time frame. You would need to farm honor (do nothing but PVP for awhile) to get the beginning lvl gear you need to find people to do 2v2, 3v3, 5v5. Then do those everyday to get Arena points to get the s4-s5 gear.
Now, by assuming by your previous posts, you probably don't want to get that serious into the game like some of us on the board. My recommendation would be to stay PVP. It seems like that would fit your playing style better than PVE after 80 (Again IMHO take my BS with a grain of salt).