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Old 01-25-2009, 10:40 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Atreides88 View Post
The government was still pumping money into many of these large corporations, had they not, I believe the problem would have been curbed before it could get out of hand. Either way, the point is moot now.
Moot only if one does not wish to learn from history so that one does not have to repeat it

I never made a judgment call on socialism one way or the other.
Of course you did.

I simply said that Obama is a proponent of a handful of socialist policies and a good deal of his farther-left supporters are, in fact, dyed-in-the-wool socialists and communists.
And then you said "In his defense" he's more centrist now. You wouldn't feel the need to say that particular phrase if you thought it was OK for him to be farther left.

If you must know, I believe the government should only provide what it absolutely must (i.e. roads, mail, utilities, etc.) and that most things, including healthcare, should be left in the hands of private industry.
Yes, that's working wonderfully for us so far. Which explains why cancer patients are denied treatment because it's "elective surgery" or some other such bullshit excuse. The government's job is to work for We The People. That means that their actions should be biased toward what is good for us, not what is good for corporations. You haven't told me yet why you think health insurance is better in the hands of private industry. In fact, it's an automatic conflict of interest for health insurance to be in the hands of private industry, because private industry's goal is profit, not the preservation of human life and health. Therefor their automatic tendency is to try to avoid spending money whenever possible, which means their automatic tendency is to try to figure out how to get out of paying for your healthcare.

We agree on most of this, too. I'm still on the fence with the current Iraq situation, but the things I have bolded, were good ideas.
Star Wars was a stupid idea. It doesn't work. It's never worked. It did absolutely nothing for us.

Saddam was the only stabilizing force in the middle east. Saddam has never attacked us, has never even cared about attacking us, and in fact killed any terrorist he discovered. While the first gulf war wasn't as stupid of an idea as the second, it was still an issue of the US horning in where we have no business being. It's not our country, it's not our fight, and it's not our place to go kill Iraqis.

I submit to you that the idiots spewing pure bunkum from their mouths on Fox News are no different than the millions of individuals who decried the Bush Administration
Except that we at least had something to decry. . .

, even after he was re-elected decisively in 2004

Since when is 50.7% a decisive win? Especially in an election where the guy who makes the voting machines promises to deliver Ohio for Bush, and then keeps that promise.

Also, you seem to have forgotten the fact that there were a large number of "objective" journalists and TV show hosts fawning over Obama.

Also, you cannot deny that there is a venomous anti-conservative majority in Hollywood and most of the entertainment industry. I have seen and experienced it with my own eyes. In the end, both sides have their own horse's asses and whatever they spew forth should be taken with a grain of salt.
I guess I don't really care who some actor votes for, and truly don't care what the percentage of movie actors who vote one way or another are. Journalists are another matter. I do not say that journalists can't have opinions - - I think it's idiotic that people think we don't. I do, however, say that they have a duty to the truth. Chris Wallace claiming that Obama isn't president because of a flubbed word in the oath of office is not upholding that duty, because constitutionally, he was President 4 minutes before he took the oath.
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