Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
really? one of the reasons I never registered my assault rifles in CA was that very reason. My other friends who did, had to turn them in or show proof of sale.
There's no paranoia there, I was able to give my friend my weapons, and he still has them to this day. Whereas those that registered them, they had to hand them over.
There is absolutely paranoia here to suggest that a state registration or ban of one type of weapon will lead to a federal program of confiscating and/or banning all firearms.
It ignores all political reality:
the Heller decision
the fact that the last attempt at an AWB in Congress two years ago had only 15-20 sponsors in the House (and never got out of Committee or even had a hearing) and had NO companion bill in the Senate
the fact that Obama (along with 80+ other Senators) voted against an amendment to a DHS bill several years ago (after Katrina) to confiscate guns during a "state of "emergency"
Paranoia, pure and simple, that the federal system of checks and balances will not only stumble a bit, but break down completely....something that has never happened in 200+ years.
Or fear mongering.
Take your choice.