Originally Posted by robot_parade
The slippery slope fallacy is called a fallacy for a reason.
if it actually occurs, it's hardly a fallacy. By continuing to advocate the 'fallacy' as if it never happens is delusional at best.
Originally Posted by robot_parade
Things like mandatory waiting periods, the registration of fire arms and owners, etc seem perfectly reasonable as crime prevention measures, and specifically doesn't infringe the right to keep and bear arms. (You could make some privacy arguments here, and I'd be open to listening to them).
they seem reasonable to you, does that mean that only you get to decide whats reasonable? reasonable is a very subjective term. I suspect that you and I will never come to terms on the same definition of reasonable, so eventually somewhere along the lines someone is going to feel trod upon.
Originally Posted by robot_parade
How exactly would government confiscation of handguns work in this country? I'm not saying it couldn't happen, ever - eternal vigilance is necessary for a democratic government, and all that. But if it gets to the point where the gubmint comes for our guns, I think we're pretty deep in the shit already. Let's say Osama ordered the army/police to go round up the guns tomorrow. Imagine how well that would work out. You send the police door to door, to houses of people they *know* are armed...you get the idea.
careful. I talked about this very thing and became considered an extremist. next thing you know, you'll be talking about killing police officers.....very bad.
-----Added 24/1/2009 at 12 : 08 : 10-----
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
So your problem isn't that registration is the problem; it's bans.
It wasn't hard to follow; I merely wanted you to confirm your bias.
so registration = confiscation is my bias talking? history doesn't mean jack to you, does it?