Originally Posted by Derwood
explain why registration = confiscation please
without going in to all the same historical essay that i've done in the past, registration=confiscation is not only easy to follow, we have actual occurrences of it right here in this 'never happen here' country.
1) chicagos handgun ban. When first implemented, it grandfathered in all handguns registered before a certain date. This led to the creation of CAGE (Chicago Area Gun Enforcement) units who then served warrants and raided homes of people who's registration expired. They also managed to get access to firearm purchase records if the buyer listed a chicago address. Any new gun purchase from someone with a chicago address received a surprise visit from these CAGE units looking for the gun.
2) Californias AWB. Before the ban, there was proposed registration. Lots of people registered the listed weapons if they owned any. they were told at that time that these weapons were not going to be banned, but the new law aimed at crime prevention demanded that all the weapons indicated needed to be registered ever so often. Then the roberti-roos AWB was implemented. Those who were foolish enough to actually register a weapon listed on that ban received notice to turn them over to police. Those that didn't turn them over received a nice little police raid looking for registered weapon.
If you choose to stick your head in the sand and trumpet that it would never happen here, thats fine. I know I will never comply with registration. I know that tens of thousands never will also.