Originally Posted by scout
Aw man please give it a rest. The lady was crucified in the press because she was perceived as a serious threat to the Senator from Illinois. Your side won, whether it was fair and square is always open to debate, nevertheless let's move on and see what we collectively can do rather than 4 more years like the last 20 or so.
This from a guy who mockingly likes to refer to B Hussein Obama as the savior?
But putting that aside, as well as the absurdity of whether the "fairness" of Obama's overwhelming electoral victory "will always be open to debate"....the larger point is that Gilllibrand is not a typical eastern liberal in the manner that the right wing media like to portray all Democrats.
Like many of the 50+ Democratic House members elected in the last four years from Republican districts, these folks are a large part of the new face and growing tent of the Democratic party for whom gun control is not an issue.
And she can probably see Canada from her window!
-----Added 23/1/2009 at 08 : 33 : 39-----
Who is Kirsten Gillibrand
Albany-born Kirsten Gillibrand currently represents New York's conservative 20th congressional district. She's a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of fiscally conservative congressional Democrats.
Gillibrand is a supporter of gun rights, and has been endorsed in her past Congressional runs by the National Rifle Association. She also supports an extension of the Bush tax cuts. The 42 -year-old Catholic congresswoman was an attorney before entering politics.
Her upstate district starts in Dutchess county, at the northern fringe of the New York City suburbs, and shoots straight up the eastern side of the Hudson River, including Columbia and Rensselaer (just east of Albany) counties. It also includes Greene County, just west of the Hudson River in the northern Catskill region, and Delaware County, which is even further to the west.
The 20th congressional district also includes Saratoga, Washington and Warren counties in the northern part of the state.
Gillibrand's seat was held by four-term Republican Rep. John Sweeney, and was considered safe for the GOP when she jumped into the race in 2006. Gillibrand ended up winning a brutal contest by a 53 to 47 percent margin. She was overwhelming re-elected this past November, 62 percent to 38 percent.
Blue Dog Coalition is not to be ignored in the Democratic Party and Obama/Pelosi et al know it as well as anyone.