Re: Gun Show Loopholes.
If you are a DEALER, then you MUST do a background check before selling a firearm. Period.
If you are a private firearm owner who wants to sell a weapon (but is not doing so on a regular basis or for profit) then you sometimes do not, depending on the state. It makes no difference whether the transaction takes place in a house, a parking lot, or a gun show. It is a private person to person transaction. So while you may be able to call this a.... Loophole, it is not a Gun Show Loophole which according to the brady bunch allows felons to purchase weapons willy nilly.
As a private citizen you are not allowed to sell a weapon to anyone you suspect or know to be an unlawful buyer, but the onus is really on the person purchasing the weapon.
If you closed the "gun show loophole" and simply prevented private sales at gun shows you would only serve to inconvenience those looking for a good way to sell their private firearms and criminals would just buy their illegal guns...illegally or out of the shotgun news from another private citizen who is not at a gun show.
Gun Shows provide private citizens with a good way to sell specialty and collectors pieces. You put a sign down the barrel and walk around until you bump into another collector looking for what you have.
And Roachboy: Sure, the comment I quoted was towards the bottom of the page, but it was sorted not by precedence but by category. Also, since this is a thread concerning what will happen regarding firearms during Obama's administration, it would be inappropriate to discuss some of the other items he mentioned which I take equal offense to.
The child locks law does sound perfectly reasonable. I would even support a law requiring a lock to be sold with every firearm (many states already have this). It is a good, simple way to provide the OPTION of locking up your firearm if/when you have children in the house. However, nearly every proposed law focuses instead on rendering the weapon itself somehow unusable to children which in turn usually makes it very difficult for the homeowner to use also. They are typically aimed at reducing gun sales more than actually helping children.
Repealing the Tiarht Amendment would impose a defacto gun-registry in the USA. Something that has been widely fought against as firearms registration often leads to confiscation. It wouldn't really help solve crimes because if the police have the 'murder weapon' in their possession, they will be granted access to the information for that particular weapon and thus can track down the owner. If they don't have the weapon then they wouldn't know where to start anyways. It is feared that free access to such information will allow someone who falls under any suspicion to be instantly categorized as the next Ted Kaczynski simply because they own several firearms.
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill
"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." Seven Pillars of Wisdom, T.E. Lawrence