Originally Posted by dksuddeth
not a loophole, at all. read the law please.
I would take this to mean that you believe ALL firearm transfers, commercial or private, should be NICS checked. How many other items of private property should be subject to federal regulation? Anything that can be used as a weapon?
I read the law (but not recently) and the concept of "private collection" is not clearly defined...so there is your loophole...allowing you to sell virtually any weapon w/o you being required to be a licensed dealer.
And NO, I dont believe ALL firearms transfers should be NICS checked. You can sell what you want out of your own home. I just dont believe you should be able to pose as a "collector" at a gun show in order to sell your old handguns.
-----Added 21/1/2009 at 06 : 32 : 17-----
Like rb, I am now officially bored with this discussion.
Obama and the Democrats in Congress know how to count votes.
And they know, particularly with so many new Democrats being from the South and West, that any new federal gun control legislation would be DOA, particularly in the Senate, and not worth wasting a valuable chip.
It aint gonna happen.....period...end of discussion.