Originally Posted by Derwood
there are 100's of laws mandating what you do or don't do with your personal property. what are you talking about?
and I ignore every single unconstitutional one of them.
Originally Posted by Derwood
thus......wait for it......a LOOPHOLE
if the government has a policy that requires background checks on gun purchases through a dealer, but you can sell it to someone without a background check as long as it's from your home or out the trunk of your car, that's a loophole
what part of I'M NOT A DEALER are you having a problem comprehending? The law is about buying from dealers, not private individuals, thus NO LOOPHOLE!!!!
Originally Posted by Derwood
I understand that gun sellers fear the idea of "the person I sell this gun to may go shoot up a shopping mall, and I'll end up an accessory to the crime." I think that would be avoided if all the checks and balances are in place. If you ahve to run a background check on the guy you're selling to, you wouldn't have sold him the gun in the first place, right? If I sell my car to someone and then they go run over a group of school children, am I an accessory to that crime?
No, if someone you sold your car to runs over a entire playground of schoolchildren, you are not an accessory UNLESS you KNEW he/she intended to do just that. If your buyer says nothing other than 'i want to buy your car', you are not an accessory. Now WHY would you need to run a background check on someone buying your car? no reason whatsoever, and the same with a gun. It is not a requirement of me to automatically assume that anyone wanting to buy a gun from me intends on using it for a crime. It is also unconstitutional to run me up the hangmans noose because someone that bought a gun from me committed a crime later.